Depeche View Icon

Depeche View

Load all text of a directory tree, search, analyze, and bookmark as fast as poss

Depeche ViewOverview

he Depeche View fast search tool loads all text file content from a folder into memory.
Search 30000 files in 3 seconds. Find as you type, copy or bookmark text with a single click. Analyze huge amounts of Open Source code, log or documentation files in realtime.

* loads thousands of text files in one window.
* instant search as you type, without dialogues.
* search a word just by clicking on it.
* copy a line, create bookmarks with One Click.
* integrate with your favourite editor through
self-defined commands on function keys.

Keys sorted by Frequency.

Press F1 anytime to switch Between multi-view and full screen mode. It's F1 and not
some other key, because switching between these two view modes is the function used
most frequently within Depeche View - therefore it uses the key easiEST to reach.

- add: mode menu: optional Highlight of a word
in all views on alt key and mouse over.
- add: optional registering of DView in Windows Explorer.
- add: xe: find mask auto suggest, based on
- preferred search terms of the user.
- optionally, a global realtime dictionary,
which however takes 10 to 30 percent
of additional memory.
- add: user's preferred search terms are now stored
in parallel to bookmark files, in a .dvdb file.
- add: xe: optional auto reset of find mask after some
time of inactivity. activate this with the new
reset button, or by pressing the PAUSE key.
- add: bookmark group indendation move:
moving a bookmark to right or left now also
moves the bookmarks of the same group below.
this mechanism can be escaped by holding CONTROL
while moving a bookmark left or right.
- add: bookmark auto indent on creation:
if a bookmark was selected, the bookmark added
after it gets the same indendation.


Fixed some bugs.

Depeche ViewInformation

File Size
Operating Systems
Windows XP, 2000, 98
System Requirements
No additional system requirements.
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